Qatar & COVID-19: Part 11, February 2021 Return to Restrictions in Light of a Doubling of Infections

Predictable Responses to "Pandemic Fatigue" and a More Contagious Variant of the Virus Just when I was lacking motivation to maintain my daily account of the pandemic, a task I began in March 2020, increasing infections in Qatar has me wanting to track the daily information. I actually found that my lack of attention to daily information made it more difficult to understand the unfolding nature of the pandemic. So I'm back to work. I also want to report that I have gotten two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. I am so very grateful to Qatar for making the vaccine available to higher-risk residents. After the first dose, I had a sore arm at the injection site, a slight headache, and fatigue after the first dose. I felt fine the next day. After the second dose, I expected a stronger response given my developing antibodies. But, instead, I only experienced a sore arm. It may have helped that I tool an afternoon nap. So, base...