
The Red Velvet Lawyer Wishes You A Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! To my family, friends, colleagues, and students: I wish you a wonderful time with your family and friends this week. 

Updating My Blog Roll

My Picks  from the  7th Annual Blawg 100 In December, the ABA Journal published its  7th Annual Blawg 100 issue listing those law blogs it identifies as hosted by dedicated, creative, and engaged bloggers. Polls closed for voting on the current list, but I've used it to update my blog roll. One of the unanticipated benefits of having a blog is the opportunity to build a blog roll. Postings on the blogs I track keep me inspired and up-to-date.  I also hope the list gives you a quick way to link to some of the top law bloggers that may be of interest to you. So, here are the blogs I'm adding: Arbitration Nation Dewey B Strategic JD Careers Out There Jotwell Law School Cafe The Legal Watercooler The Legal Whiteboard Real Lawyers Have Blogs Small Firm Innovation Technology & Marketing Law Blog And, I am dropping nine blogs from the roll.  After a year of tracking them, I find that I did not like the quality of the content, the infrequent posting

New Normal is Now the Norm: Revolution Continues Whether We Like it or Not

"Folks, the change is here.  We’re living it." Jordan Furlong, a partner in Edge International, a leading management consultancy, describes the "revolution" that is ongoing in the legal field and in legal education in a recent posting he calls: You say you want a revolution?  He opens his posting this way: If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know that I’m convinced of a couple of things: (1) Fundamental shifts in the legal services environment will spawn a diverse population of new providers that will expand access to those services while destroying lawyers’ market exclusivity; and, (2) This is, on balance, a good thing. I’ve never been more certain than I am today, at the close of 2013, about the first — but I’ve never been less certain about the second. After summarizing evidence of the revolution, he offers some predictions for the future, and asks regulators, bar associations,  law schools, courts, and lawyers to take action n

ASL's First January Intersession: Course Offerings

Appalachian School of Law  Offers Two Courses  Over the Winter Holiday Break  January Intersession Introduction to Natural Resources Law ASL will offer this 2-credit hour course on its campus the week prior to the resumption of January classes (January 6-10, 2014). This intensive course will run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 9:00 a.m. to noon on Friday.  The course will familiarize students with the legal, business, and environmental aspects of the natural resources law. Although broadly covering natural resources, the course will include a basic introduction to the U.S. legal and governmental system relating to environmental, natural resource, and energy laws, including hard mineral law, oil and gas law, water law, environmental law, energy policy, land use law, renewable energy law, and issues related to climate change and sustainability.  Four faculty members will co-teach the course. More specifically, they have designed the c

Just Three Words: An Approach to Annual Goal-Setting

Robin, Launch, & Wealth During the past month, I've talked about goal setting twice: here and embedded here .  I just found this interesting discussion on how one successful entrepreneur works with goal setting.  Among other things, he picks three words to guide him over the next year.  They help keep him focused on his priorities. Take a look here .  I'll wait. For 2014: My three words for 2014 are these: Robin :  I am referring to Robin Wright Penn, the actress who plays the wife, Claire Underwood, to Kevin Spacey's character, U.S. House Majority Whip Frank Underwood, in the TV series, House of Cards .  As Claire, she portrays a strong, independent, ambitious, powerful, effective, kind-hearted, stylish, and fit woman who is trying to change the world through her non-profit foundation.  This, folks, is what we all want "50" to look like (even if she is actually 47).  Robin, the actress, has been choosy about the projects she will do and t

53 Law Schools Accredited by the ABA Since 1970

And, a Decade of Added Capacity  No Longer Needed? Yesterday, I linked to the ABA report showing the drop in applicants who actually enrolled in law school in 2013. By one blogger's  calculation , enrollment (average per law school) has not been this low since the late 1960s. The ABA Journal  reported: Law school enrollments nationwide are down 11 percent this year from last year and 24 percent from 2010, new figures show.  The nation’s 202 ABA-accredited schools reported that 39,675 full- and part-time students were enrolled in a first-year J.D. program this fall, according to figures released Tuesday by the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar.  That’s a decrease of 4,806 students from the fall of 2012, when 44,481 students began their law school studies, and a decrease of 12,813 students from 2010, when an all-time high of 52,488 first-year students were enrolled in an ABA-accredited school. (Emphasis added.)  In a more recent article, t

Distinguished Alumni: Commonwealth's Attorney Andrew Nester

Distinguished Alumni  of the  Appalachian School of Law: Commonwealth's Attorney  Andrew Nester Andrew Nester graduated from the Appalachian School of Law in 2005,  suma cum laude , and, in a mere eight years, assumed leadership of the Commonwealth's Attorney Office for Henry County, Virginia.  The county is located on the southern border in the middle of the state.  He works out of an office in Henry County, where he supervises a staff of eleven, including four Assistant Commonwealth's Attorneys, an office administrator, three support staff, and three members of the victim-witness program. As the Commonwealth's Attorney, he prosecutes felonies and misdemeanors in the Circuit and District Courts.  The cases include complex financial crimes, arson, robberies, vehicular manslaughters, and larcenies.  He also serves on the Southern Virginia Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. Voters elected him to the position in a spec