The Vanishing Civil Trial
A recent study shows that nearly
all federal cases settle before trial.
In 1962, judges and juries resolved 5,802 civil cases, defined as tort,
contract, prisoner, civil rights, labor, and intellectual property cases. These trials constituted about 11.5 percent
of the dispositions of the 50,320 cases filed with the courts.
By 2002, parties had increased civil case
filings to nearly 259,000 – an increase of 146 percent over 1962 filings-- but
the dispositions by trial fell to 1.8 percent. These statistics, taken from data compiled by the Administrative Office
of the United States Courts, show that federal judges tried fewer cases in 2002
than they did in 1962.
Judge Patrick
Higginbotham reported that in 2001 “each United States District Court judge
presided over an average of just over fourteen trials a year. Over half of these trials lasted three days
or less in length and 94 % were concluded in under ten days.”
In other words, most judges spent less than
forty-two days presiding over trials.
Each judge handled six “other contested matters,” but taken together,
the traditional trials and the “other contested matters” averaged a day or less
in length. In 1962, the average federal
judge conducted 39 trials each year.
State court
statistics give a similar, but yet incomplete, picture. Based on data provided by the National Center for State Courts for 22 states, civil jury trials fell by 33 percent during the period of 1976 through 2002. Bench trials fell to 15.2 percent of total
civil dispositions in 2002.
Scholars and
commentators are not quite sure what to make of the data. Some suggest that increasing use of ADR,
especially mediation, explains the drop in the number of trials.
What the data
says to me is that lawyers play a more significant role as agents of settlement
than as litigation advocates. I explain
to my students that they will far more likely use over their lifetimes the
negotiation and mediation skills that I teach than they will likely use the
rules of evidence or their appellate advocacy skills.
This article excerpt first appeared in the St. Louis Lawyer 9A
(Dec. 2005), and was reprinted in The Insurance Receiver ((Int’l Ass. of Ins. Receivers
Winter 2005) and at (footnotes in original omitted here).
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