Student Bar Association: The Executive Branch

The Executive Branch of the 
Student Bar Association 
of the 
Appalachian School of Law

The Student Bar Council (SBC) of the Student Bar Association (SBA) consists of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.

I discuss the Honor Court - the Judicial branch -- here.  I discuss the Legislative branch here.

Representatives of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches must be in good standing as defined by the law school, including the ASL Academic Standards and the Honor Code. Failure to meet this standard results in immediate removal from office and replacement according to the SBA Constitution.

Voting and non-voting members of the SBC must attend all meetings, except for good cause. Absences in excess of four meetings per semester or two consecutive regularly scheduled meetings, without good cause, allows a majority vote of the Senate to remove the member.

Executive Branch of the SBA

The Executive branch of the SBA consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

The President is typically a rising 3L student; cannot serve as an elected officer of any SBA-recognized student organization while in office; acts as the official representative of the SBA within the school, local community, region, and nation; plans the agenda and presides over each meeting of the Senate; votes to break a tied Senate vote; appoints and removes (with Senate ratification) the Chairperson of all committees created by the Executive or Legislative branch; plans and directs the activities of the SBA; meets with the Dean, in the name of the SBA, on all matters of the students interests; and upon the vacancy of any position in the Executive, Legislative, or Judicial branch, appoints a new member, which is then subject to approval by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.

The Vice-President is a rising 2L or 3L; cannot serve as an elected officer of any SBA-recognized student organization while in office; serves as a voting member of the Senate; plans the agenda and presides over each meeting of the Senate in the absence of the President; has duties and responsibilities as assigned by the President; succeeds to the Presidency and assumes that office upon the President’s inability to continue.

The Treasurer also cannot serve as an elected officer of any SBA recognized student organization while in office; keeps current and accurate records of all SBA transactions and appropriations approved by the Senate; performs other duties delegated by the President, Senate, or Head of the Business Office; notifies the Business Office of all allocations properly authorized by the Senate; signs, along with the President, all Budget Requests; and conducts three separate audits of the SBA Budget throughout the year.

The Secretary records and preserves the minutes of all SBA and Senate meetings; maintains records and issue correspondences on behalf of the SBA and Senate; plans the agenda and presides over each meeting of the Senate in the absence of the President and Vice-President; posts notice -- including date, time and place -- prior to any SBA or Senate meeting at least three days in advance; and performs all other duties assigned by the President.

Associate Dean Sandy McGlothlin serves as the faculty advisor to the SBA and its officers. 


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