Change in the Headcount at BigLaw Firms

BigLaw Headcount Strategies Adam Smith Esquire's Bruce McEwen, well-known blawger, in a post entitled, Where Do You Want Your Firm to be in 2020?, reports some data on the strategic planning horizon of large law firms, which he argues does not extend beyond one, two, or three years. Interestingly, he reports the following figures for the changes in headcount at large law firms. [C]onsider the little-remarked but sobering figures on how the proportionate composition of lawyers at the largest 250 law firms in the US based on headcount has changed over the last decade: Associates: from 55% to 47% (down 15%). Equity partners: from 31% to 26% (down 16%). Non-equity partners: from 7% to 16% (up 129%). Other’ lawyers (staff, of counsel, contract, etc): from 7% to 10% (up 43%). He comments on these changes later in the post: And what, exactly, is the point about the aforementioned morphing composition of lawyers at large law firms? Simple, I b...