Robin, Launch, & Wealth During the past month, I've talked about goal setting twice: here and embedded here . I just found this interesting discussion on how one successful entrepreneur works with goal setting. Among other things, he picks three words to guide him over the next year. They help keep him focused on his priorities. Take a look here . I'll wait. For 2014: My three words for 2014 are these: Robin : I am referring to Robin Wright Penn, the actress who plays the wife, Claire Underwood, to Kevin Spacey's character, U.S. House Majority Whip Frank Underwood, in the TV series, House of Cards . As Claire, she portrays a strong, independent, ambitious, powerful, effective, kind-hearted, stylish, and fit woman who is trying to change the world through her non-profit foundation. This, folks, is what we all want "50" to look like (even if she is actually 47). Robin, the actress, has been choosy about the projects ...